Learn How To Stabilize Your Footage in No Time

Learn How To Stabilize Your Footage in No Time

Editing is just as important as getting the right shot on location. Discover how to overcome the imperfections of your raw footage by learning how to stabilize shots in post-production.

One of the most important things to let go of when creating is the quest for perfection. It's unattainable, but that doesn't mean that you should be happy with just any result. On the contrary, if your goal is to become a better filmmaker (or simply, to make better videos) learning how to make the most out of the content you create is super important as you continue to grow your skillset.

This means that instead of trying to get your footage to be perfect, it may be a good idea to try and find ways how you can improve what you already have, in the editing stages of creation.

Here's why.

Editing Improves Your Storytelling Skills

It all boils down to problem-solving. You may discover that you get more fun, as well as learn more, while editing a challenging piece of content, than a shot that's pretty much exactly how you wanted it to look right off the bat.

This attitude will come in handy as you continue on your videomaking journey because chances are, your footage won't ever look exactly how you want it straight from the camera. Even the best of filmmakers recognize the value of editing in successfully telling a visual story.

Don't Scrap Your Footage - Improve It

You may have been filming a time-dependent event, one where you only had one shot at capturing the action. Or perhaps you didn't notice that your footage was shaky straight from the camera, only to discover it is when viewing it on a larger screen later on. Perhaps the weather conditions on location change, and make it difficult for you to nail the shot exactly as planned.

It happens. And it's okay.

It still doesn't mean you should scrap the material you've created.

And on that note - today we present you with one of the very common challenges you may have to face when filming: shaky footage, and show you how to overcome it.

How To Stabilize Shaky Footage 

Yes, the first thing you should try to do is avoid shaky footage straight from the camera. When it comes to using Wiral LITE for filming, make sure your Wiral LITE is completely still before each run. While controlling the unit, accelerate as smoothly as possible with the remote, avoiding jerky movements.  

For any undesirable micro shakes in the footage you notice in the editing stage, we recommend that you get familiar with Warp Stabilizer. 

Lucky for you, our Creative Director Eivind's got you covered. Check out the video below to learn all about how you can use Warp Stabilizer to get rid of jitter in your videos and achieve a super smooth look to your shots.




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